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Title: FreeBitcoin
Earnings: At least 19,200+ per day (earn more with the multiplier and lottery systems)
Title: Anchor Faucet
Earnings: At least 12,000+ per day
Title: B-T-C Faucet
Earnings: At least 14,400 per day
Title: Bitcoin Kranik
Earnings: At least 12,000+ per day
Title: Dash 4 FREE (Dashcoin Faucet)
Earnings: At least 720,000+ per day

Title: FreeBitcoinTalk.org
Description: Free Bitcoins & Altcoins giveaway forum.
Title: Dogecoin Brasil
Description (Portuguese): Blog sobre o mundo do Dogecoin: notícias, mineração, carteira, torneiras - news, mining, wallet, faucet.